investing in


Cathy supports Fair Districts and ending Gerrymandering.

Cathy supports Fair Districts and ending Gerrymandering.

As a Senior Transportation Planner for Delaware County, I know that government should of the people, for the people, by the people. It’s time to invest in smarter systems so that our government works for the many, not just the few.

  • Local empowerment

    • Local communities and governments should be able to address new infrastructure impacting their communities, such as natural gas pipelines. The Mariner East 2 revealed that entire communities were being put in harm's way without any local oversight or safety response requirements. 

    • Local communities and governments need to have the freedom to do what is best based upon local needs and concerns. State government has no place imposing preemption or eminent domain laws on a municipality that prevents them from implementing solutions for their community. 

  • Voting Rights

    • Participatory democracy requires that everyone be fairly represented in our government. This can only happen when everyone has access to the ballot box. Expanding access to the ballot box will ensure a government that works for everyone.

    • Politicians should not be able to choose their voters. Implementing fair districts is how we ensure that the voters are picking their representatives.

    • The past few years have demonstrated how vulnerable our democratic process is to misinformation. A strong civics education will ensure our children have a solid foundation in civic responsibility.

  • State Government

    • We need to make sure that our legislators are working for us and not the parties to which they belong. No one person or party should be able to control the legislative agenda. To ensure the legislature is working for us, bills that have bipartisan support should automatically receive a vote on the floor.

    • We need to implement term limits to prevent stagnation and partisanship while ensuring fresh perspectives are being represented.